Learn More CENTURY 21 MULTICOLUMN JOURNAL (Blue Text) starts with the five-column multicolumn journal, then moves into special journals in cycle two. Based on teacher input, we have completely reorganized this new edition of CENTURY 21, starting with a service business organized as a proprietorship, progressing to a merchandising business organized as a corporation, and concluding with special topics, partnerships, and recording international sales and electronic transactions. Technology is integrated throughout the text, including Automated Accounting, Peachtree, QuickBooks, and Microsoft Excel. Also, the New Student Companion CD-ROM is included with each text.

The student CD is exclusively available with CENTURY 21 and includes Competitive Event Prep, Automated Accounting data files, Electronic flash cards of key terms, Web links, PowerPoint presentations, and much, much more! CENTURY 21 ACCOUNTING presents real-world source documents as each new transaction is presented in the text. Source documents provide the objective evidence for journalizing every transaction, and are now included in the working papers for selected end of chapter problems. T accounts are always used to analyze transactions into debit and credit parts to increase student comprehension of journalizing transactions. Illustrations are consistently placed at the top of the page and include step-by-step instructions. Concepts are reinforced through descriptive text to provide complete accounting instruction.

Each chapter is divided into three or four lessons with corresponding assessment activities right at the point of use. In addition, several short application problems at the end of each chapter have been added to build student's knowledge before completing the longer mastery and challenge problems. Features Chapter Design: Text chapters are divided into short, accessible lessons that cover 1 or 2 concepts. Each lesson is followed by assessment activities. Illustrations are consistently placed directly above the corresponding text, allowing students to quickly find the illustrations they are looking for when reviewing or working problems. Steps and callouts are integrated into the 4-color illustrations, making it easy to understand and then apply the procedure being taught. Clear, concise instructions are directly linked to the specific part of the illustration where the work is recorded.

Lesson and chapter features provide context for learning accounting and real-life information about business. End-of-chapter exercises include problems for each lesson, mastery problems that test overall comprehension, and challenge problems for advanced students. Student Support: Student support materials aid understanding and reinforcement of skills; these include working papers, study guides and recycling problems, and envelope simulations (available in manual and automated versions).

Teacher Support: Teacher support materials include a Wraparound Teacher's Edition, ExamView, and printed assessment packages, a video, an Instructor's Resource Box with lesson plans and professional materials, and an Instructor's Resource CD. New to this Edition Accounting in the Real-World: 24 real-world businesses are spotlighted throughout the text - one per chapter.

Students will learn how accounting concepts apply to the real world through questions that link the business to chapter content. Winning Edge: Competitive event preparation for FBLA and BPA is incorporated throughout the text. Careers in Accounting: This feature includes interviews with individuals working in accounting and related fields, spotlighting educational requirements and future trends in the field of accounting. Making Ethical Decisions: In response to corporate ethical violations, Making Ethical Decisions is included in every chapter. Situational ethical dilemmas are presented to assist students with decision-making and critical thinking.

Ethical policies of real-world companies are also reviewed. Business Structures: A focus on characteristics of various business structures such as proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships and the details of forming and dissolving such businesses. Analyzing Financial Statements: The various ways of analyzing business performance in all aspects of operations are detailed for the student. The financial statements of real-world businesses are used for end-of-chapter analysis activities. This gives the student the opportunity to apply what they learned to a real-world situation. Internet Research Activities: An Internet Research Activity at the beginning of every chapter requires students to search the Internet to answer questions related to chapter's content. This adds excitement for the student, keeping topics current and encouraging the use of technology.

Student Companion CD-ROM: This exciting, new CD-ROM includes competitive event prep, Automated Accounting data files, electronic flashcards of key terms, Web links, PowerPoint Presentations, and much, much more! Gilbertson, Certified Public Accountant, served as a highly effective high school instructor for 11 years and a community college instructor for 25 years. While retired from North Hennepin Community College, Ms. Gilbertson remains active in shaping today's educational processes as she serves as a respected and sought-after consultant for numerous online accounting learning solutions. She is active in the National Business Education Association, North Central Business Education Association, and Minnesota Business Educators, Inc.

Lehman, assistant professor emeritus of Accountancy at the Richard C. Adkerson School of Accountancy at Mississippi State University, teaches Accounting Information Systems and Forensic Accounting. A former auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Dr. Lehman is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Fraud Examiner. Lehman writes journal articles and consults with accountants on the use of software in fraud detection.

He was awarded Outstanding Educator by the Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants in 2007. Accounting Cycle for a Service Business Organized as a Proprietorship. Starting a Proprietorship: Changes That Affect Owners Equity.

Analyzing Transactions into Debit and Credit Parts. Journalizing Transactions. Posting to a General Ledger.

Cash Control Systems. Work Sheet for a Service Business. Financial Statements for a Proprietorship. Recording Adjusting and Closing Entries for a Service Business. Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Business Organized as a Corporation. Journalizing Purchases and Cash Payments.

Journalizing Sales and Cash Receipts. Posting to General and Subsidiary Ledgers.


Preparing Payroll Records. Payroll Accounting, Taxes, and Reports. Work Sheet for a Merchandising Business. Financial Statements for a Corporation.

Recording Adjusting and Closing Entries for a Corporation. Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Business Organized as a Corporation-Adjustments and Valuation. Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts Receivable. Accounting for Plant Assets and Depreciation. Accounting for Inventory.

Accounting for Notes and Interest. Accounting for Accrued Revenue and Expenses. End-of-Fiscal-Period Work for a Corporation. Additional Accounting Procedures.

Accounting for Partnerships. Recording International Sales and Electronic Transactions. Cash Flow Statement. Annual Reports. Accounting Concepts.

Southwestern Accounting Book

Using a Calculator and Computer Keypad. Recycling Problems. Answers to Audit Your Understanding.