1. Training Upgrade Core Cabal

New look and feel, easier to use The old McKesson Pharmacy Systems LMS has been replaced by the new Training Portal. The Educational Services group has developed a more user-friendly platform from which to launch our end-user training. The look and feel is also more in line with McKesson's design standard. The URL is the same.

Mckesson Horizon Training Upgrade Manual Homecare

The original address is still the home of our online training solutions. All of our existing customers have been migrated to the new Training Portal and will notice the new look on their next visit to the site. All of the login accounts used in the LMS will still work in the Training Portal.

There is no need to request new user accounts. Other than the new look and feel, the basic functionality remains the same.

For future reference, the old LMS has been archived, so if you need us to resurrect an old training module, this can be done. All of the product lines supported in the LMS are still supported in the Training Portal.

You will just notice that the path to training is much easier to use. Also, records of your users' training progress on both the old and the updated site will be maintained by the McKesson team and are available to you upon request. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the new Training Portal. If you have questions, please reach out to the curriculum development team.

My company went 'live' with Horizon's McKesson program last week, we are switching patients over from our past program. All new admits and recerts are going on McKesson the transfer of all patients will take 2 months, so in the meantime we are on two programs. So far, I'm not loving McKesson and either is anyone else. The print is so small I think I might go blind.Have your computer personnel switch the font on your laptop to make your print bigger.

It is possible. Some of our staff had also encountered this problem every patient has had adverse reactions # 2 that requires MD notification via fax (the med list and full adverse reaction report),.Yes, I heard this is a requirement. Perhaps there is a way to copy and paste that infomation to a generic Word form you save on your laptop. POC orders are a mess (long tedious guidelines to alter, etc.).I hear you. We use a Word form saved on our laptop that is a paper version of our request for orders. We have library text for each order stored in F10 so we add the library text items to orders (without actually making the order) copy and past them to the the Word document, print the document and fax it to the MD. You are aware you can add multiple items to a guidline and edit multiple items off the guidlines by hitting your control key and clicking on those items you want to delete, go to tools and remove.

Big time saver. typed orders will get missed when the nurse thinks they only have to do a guideline,.See above. Scheduling problems when switching appointment from one nurse to another-.If you have a scheduler in the office, they can use the white board feature in the interactive scheduler to move patients from one clinicain to another.

Then the clinicians will need to tranfer their computers to capture those changes. No one has yet to tell nurses how to do it on their end and the office is not keeping up,.do you have access to those modules such as scheduling?

At our agency only the schedulers do. Having to use 'search' button for everything (diagnosis, pharmacy, facilities, etc) and if you can't find it you can't free type it in and have to rely on office staff to add it in on their side.there is a data change feature in notes that gets routed to appropriate personnel to add those things. Have you met with your supervisor to discuss your concerns.I know,its a very tedious and complex program.

Anyone using McKesson that can give some helpful tips?.Good luck, we've been on it for 2 years and are switching in another year to 2 to another program. Change is hard and inevitable, isn't it.


I was very excited to find out that my home care agency was implementing a computerized records system. I've worked in other settings during changeovers to computerized systems and though they had their rough spots, the change on the whole was a vast improvement. Sadly, after working with it for 6 months, McKesson is still a nightmare to use. It is very buggy and completely unintuitive. My documentation time is 2-3 times greater than it was with paper.

We've actually had several therapists and nurses quit partly because of having to deal with Mckesson. Steer clear of this program. I came from a home health company that has been using McKesson for more than 5 years. I recently switched jobs and my new company uses Cerner. I can tell you from one switch to another, I MISS McKESSON!

Training Upgrade Core Cabal

It was rather bothersome at first, but many fields became customized by our company over time, and it was much more of a user friendly program than Cerner is now. Maybe I need to take more time to learn to like a new program, but I can tell you that Cerner is NOT as user friendly. And I see why the nurses I work with now are sinking in hours of documentation. I thought it was bad with McKesson, but I promise it is much more lengthy and not user friendly than Cerner.