Bbc sissy guide captions

Bitchy, bratty, spoiled, tattooed. I'm the product of wealthy parents who made the mistake of over-educating a bitchy Jewish princess who always knew she was better than everyone else. I spent high school manipulating grown men into buying me pretty things before I broke their hearts.

I've always been smarter and better than everyone, I graduate high school early, and went on to get my Masters Deg Bitchy, bratty, spoiled, tattooed. I'm the product of wealthy parents who made the mistake of over-educating a bitchy Jewish princess who always knew she was better than everyone else.

I spent high school manipulating grown men into buying me pretty things before I broke their hearts. I've always been smarter and better than everyone, I graduate high school early, and went on to get my Masters Degree from a prestigious California University by 25. But no matter how educated I got I never stopped loving taking things from boys and hurting them in the process. Aprilia sonic 50 service manual. I love watching their pain as I take everything from them the way I have always been ENTITLED to. I used their money to buy a shoe collection, tattoo my entire body, and bring myself even closer to bimbo perfection!


Sissy Guide To Bras

I used to work for a living (HAH!) thinking I had to make my mark in the world, before I realized that I could simply just take what I wanted when I wanted. When I worked I was a game tester in the high-tech industry and a technical project manager, skills that have led me to be able to effectively dominate my slaves technologically. I also worked for several years as a PAID model for local San Francisco companies as well as web TV, and BDSM videos. I'm the FIRST and ONLY Techdomme, if you don't believe me try a Google search. I'm also a PUBLISHED author, go ahead, buy my fucking book and tribute to my EMPIRE you worthless loser.

Bbc Sissy Guide Captions

I know the only TRUE way to degrade and humiliate you is through your wallet! Pain from a physical D/s session is fleeting and temporary, bruises heal over, but the cash I take from you injures your dignity and self respect forever. I love to take every last dime from fans and slaves. As I make you sell your possessions to fund my greed even the wealthiest of my slaves end up begging me to take everything they havebefore they beg me to stop!