15 GT2-70-M-E ■ Amplifier (GT2-71(C)N/71(C)P/72(C)N/72(C)P/75N/75P/76N/76P/71MCN/71MCP).1 When using the DIN rail mount type unit, be sure to mount it to a DIN rail (fixed to a metal plate). 2015 chevy trailblazer repair manual manualin com. Use the end unit (OP-26751) when connecting expansion units.2 When adding an expansion unit(s), the following restrictions apply depending on the number of connected units. When connecting 2 to 8 units including the main unit. Supply voltage: 20 to 30 VDC. Control output current: 20 mA max. (GT2-71MCN/71MCP only) Surrounding air temperature: -10 to +45°C When connecting 9 to 15 units including the main unit.

  1. Keurig K525c Plus Series User Manual

Supply voltage: 20 to 30 VDC. Control output current: 10 mA max. (including the output current of the DL-RB1A). Residual voltage: 1.5 V max.

Medonic m series user manualManual

Keurig K525c Plus Series User Manual

(GT2-71MCN/71MCP only) Surrounding air temperature: -10 to +45°C.3 HH and LL are not available for GT2-71MCN/71MCP.