Ordering More If you want additional DVDs beyond the ones included with your system, you will need to buy them separately. According to the frequently asked question section of the Pilates Power Gym Pro website, additional DVDs are available for purchase from their official website (pilatespowergympro.com). The available DVDs are listed under the 'accessories' section of the website. Online If you prefer streaming videos to physical DVDs, you can also access the Power Pilates Gym videos online.

As of 2013, 13 videos are available from The Fitness Channel (thefitnesschannel.com). For a fee you can subscribe to The Fitness Channel and stream these workout videos on your computer. This gives you access to the workouts anywhere where you have internet access. Using the Videos You should not attempt to use your Pilates Power Gym without the Videos. According to the Pilates Power Gym owner's manual.

Pilates power gym exercises

You should review the owners manual as well as the complete video that you are following before you begin the exercise program. The owner's manual also recommends following along with the video when performing exercises in order to maintain the proper form and pace.


The manual recommends doing as much of the 'Beginner Workout' video as you can manage, three times per week when beginning the program. Copyright © 2018 Leaf Group Ltd. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM, and. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation.

Pilates Power Gym User Manual

Pilates power gym user manual

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