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Allscripts Certified Workflows. 1. Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows v. 11.1.xCopyright ©2009 Allscripts-Misys www.allscripts.com. Copyright © 2009 Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions, Inc.This document is the confidential property of Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions, Inc. It is furnished under anagreement with Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions, Inc. And may only be used in accordance with the termsof that agreement.

The use of this document is restricted to customers of Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions,Inc. And their employees. The user of this document agrees to protect the Allscripts-Misys HealthcareSolutions, Inc.

Proprietary rights as expressed herein. The user further agrees not to permit access to thisdocument by any person for any purpose other than as an aid in the use of the associated system. In no casewill this document be examined for the purpose of copying any portion of the system described herein or todesign another system to accomplish similar results.

This document or portions of it may not be copied withoutwritten permission from Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions, Inc. The information in this document is subjectto change without notice.The names and associated patient data used in this documentation are fictional and do not represent any realperson living or otherwise.

Any similarities to actual people are coincidental.CPT copyright 2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by theAMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectlypractice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or notcontained herein.CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) is copyright 2009 WorldHealth Organization (WHO).Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® Word are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporationin the United States and/or other countries. 2 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. 3 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows.

Table of ContentsCertified Workflows Overview. 8(A) Appointment Scheduling. 9(B) Appointment Preparation. 11(C) Appointment Check-In. 13(D) Patient Visit Overview. 15(E) Intake Introduction. 18(E1) Intake Process – Basic.

20(E2) Intake Process – Detailed. 24(E3) Intake Process – With Order. 29(F) Retrieve Introduction. 34 Adult Patient View – Clinical Desktop View.

35 Pediatric Patient View – Clinical Desktop View. 36 Pediatric Patient View. 37(F1) Chart Review – Basic. 38(F2) Chart Review – Detailed. 41(G) Document Introduction.

44 Utilizing Structured Notes – General Note Concepts. 45 Patient Education Materials – Print Actions.

47(G1) Note: Acute Visit. 52(G2) Note: New or Chronic Visit.

57(G3) Note: Procedure Visit. 62(G4) Note: Health Maintenance. 66(G5) Note: Results Review. 70(G6) Dictation. 73(G7) Admin Forms. 76(H) Order and Plan Introduction.

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78(H1) Ad Hoc Prescription. 80(H2) Meds Management. 86(H3) Med Administration. 90(H4) Immunizations.

94(H5) Future Orders. 97(H6) Ad Hoc Diagnostic Orders. 101(H7) Follow-up or Referral Orders. 105(H8) Instructions/Supplies Orders. 108(H9) Order Reminders.

111(H10) QuickSets. 114(H11) CareGuides. 117(J) Finalize and Charge Introduction. 120(J1) Basic Ambulatory Charges. 122 4 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. (J2) Charging from Note. 127(J3) Charging for Orders.

130(J4) Charging for Administrations. 133(J5) Review Encounter Charges.

135(K) Follow-Up and Checkout Introduction. 138(K1) Scheduling Order Appointments. 139(K2) Referral Appointments. 142(L) Renewal Management Introduction. 146(L1) Prescription Renewals.

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148(L2) Surescripts Renewals. 156(M) Document Management Introduction. 159(M1) Inbound Transcription. 161(M2) Transcription with Dual Signature.

165(M3) Document Reconciliation. 169(N) Transcribe Introduction. 172(N1) Transcribe Basics.

Suzuki dt5 outboard service manual. 173(P) Scanning Introduction. 177 Active Chart Scanning Strategies. 178 Scanning Correspondence Approach. 179 Lessons Learned Statements from Allscripts Clients.

179(P1) Scanning Active Charts. 181 Certified Workflow Tips. 184(P2) Scanning Correspondence.

186(Q) Miscellaneous Introduction. 190(Q1) Call Processing. 192(Q2) Tracking Overdue Orders. 197(Q3) Financial Authorization.

200(R) Results Introduction. 204(R1) Entry of Paper Results. 206(R2) In-House Testing. 210(R3) Results Verification. 213(R4) Results Referral. 222(R5) Results Communication. 225(S) Inpatient Introduction.

230(S1) Inpatient Charges. 232 5 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. Certified WorkflowsThis Certified Workflows guide contains all of the Certified Workflows for Allscripts Enterprise EHRVersion 11.1. Each of these workflows is discussed in detail in the following sections.The following are overview road maps of the Patient Visit Workflows, Non-Patient Visit Workflows,and the Inpatient Visit Workflows.

Figure 1 Patient Visit Workflows Road Map 6 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. Figure 2 Non-Patient Visit Workflows Road Map Figure 3 Inpatient Visit Workflows Road Map 7 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows.

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Certified Workflows OverviewThe Certified Workflows consist of the following items: ▪ High-level Road Maps = 3 ▪ Overview Workflow = 1 ▪ Introductions = 13 ▪ Workflows = 50The Overview Workflow (Patient Visit – D) is a high-level overview of the entire patient visit and isdesigned to provide the “big” picture of the overall steps involved in the process. It provides a break-out of each “work lane” (also referred to as a “swim lane”) to assist in breaking out the work intomore easily understood sections (workflows). The Overview Workflow (D) can be used to achieve an“end-to-end” understanding, but the details behind each step are contained in the subsequent 50workflows.The 13 Workflow Introductions (E, F, G, H, and so on) include a summary of the particular “worklane,” a VISIO diagram, and information concerning the terminology or concepts being utilized. TheWorkflow Introductions contains a series of questions/decisions and acts as a guideline for whichspecific workflow path to follow.Each Workflow section of this document (E1, E2, and so on) contains the detail steps to completethe workflow.

Each workflow has a VISIO diagram with the corresponding summary and detailedsteps. The user role is defined for each process step.

Each workflow has been validated by Allscriptsemployees and clinical consultants.These Certified Workflows and the “Pre-Configuration” go “hand-in-hand.” Pre-configuration isconfiguring the software in such a manner so that you can log into the Allscripts Enterprise EHRsoftware and perform any of the 50 Certified Workflows without being stopped because, for example,you have not yet built the correct enterprise task views, Worklist views, or set the systempreferences and so on. The Pre-configuration “Gold” database contains all of these items alreadyconfigured to enable the Certified Workflows. One of the primary purposes of the Pre-Configurationis to support the Certified Workflows. 8 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. (A) Appointment SchedulingThe first step of a patient visit is the scheduling of the appointment.

The purpose of the followingAppointment Scheduling workflow is to achieve a basic understanding of the data flow at the time offirst contact with the patient and the impact to Allscripts Enterprise EHR. Figure 4 (A) Appointment Scheduling (3) (1) (2) Staff creates New A Patient requests Is appointment for Yes Patient in practice appointment a new patient?

Management system (PMS) (4) Staff schedules (5) appointment in PMS Patient demographic B No & populates & scheduling info Comments with sent to TouchWorks reason for visitTo schedule a patient appointment, do the following:1) The start of a patient visit begins with the patient requesting an appointment from your front desk, scheduling line, or another role in your organization that handles patient appointments.2) Is the appointment for a new patient? The amount and type of information you need to obtain from the patient depends on whether the individual is an established patient or a new patient.3) If the patient is a new patient, then you typically collect a certain set of basic demographic information from the patient and enter it into the Practice Management System (PMS). If a “mini registration (reg)” is done at this time and a temporary medical record number is utilized, verify this number will be handled correctly in your registration/scheduling interface.4) If the patient is an established patient, or once the demographic information is collected for a new patient, you then schedule the appointment in the Practice Management System and add comments regarding the reason for the visit. 9 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows.

5) The registration and scheduling information is then sent via an interface to Allscripts Enterprise EHR. This enables all Allscripts Enterprise EHR users to monitor their schedules directly from Allscripts Enterprise EHR without having to switch to the Practice Management System.

It is important to understand what patient demographic data interfaces with Allscripts Enterprise EHR from the Practice Management System.6) Once the patient appointment is scheduled, the next step within the patient visit is appointment preparation. Proceed to workflow (B) Appointment Preparation for the Certified Workflow steps.

10 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. (B) Appointment PreparationAfter scheduling the appointment, the second step to prepare for the patient visit is typically thepreparation of the paper chart. Your organization’s use of the Allscripts Enterprise EHR Scanmodule for scanning paper charts into the electronic health record will impact this workflow step.Your organization will go through two phases for this process. The first phase is the transition ofhaving paper charts and scanning in active (historical) chart information. The second phase occurswhen all paper charts have been scanned and you no longer have to consider them in yourworkflow.Your organization can select from among several strategies to complete the scanning of active(historical) paper charts.

Please refer to the (P) Scanning Introduction chapter for additionaldetails. Figure 5 (B) Appointment Preparation A (2) (1) Medical B Is appointment for Yes Records new patient? Prepares new patient packet P1 (4) (3) Medical Records Existing patient No Yes scans patient have a paper information prior to chart?

Visit No C 11 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. To prepare for a patient appointment, do the following:1) The first step of the appointment preparation process is to determine if the appointment is for a new or an established patient. If the patient is new and your organization is scanning, no paper chart will currently exist and typically one will not be created.2) If the appointment is for a new patient, a patient packet is usually prepared for the patient to fill out upon check-in per the organization’s protocol. This could include demographic, insurance or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) forms, patient medical history information, and so on.

This information is typically prepared by either the Medical Records or Front Desk roles.3) If the appointment is for an existing patient, it is important to understand whether a paper chart exists. If a paper chart does not exist or has already been scanned, no work to pull the chart is needed. Many organizations use a field within their Practice Management System or a chart tracking system as a method to track whether a paper chart has been scanned. This makes it easy for staff to quickly know if they need to pull a chart for the visit.4) If a paper chart exists, your organization’s scanning procedure will impact this workflow in terms of timing.

Allscripts recommends that the scanning of paper charts be done optimally at least 2 weeks prior to the patient visit if possible. This ensures that needed documentation is available for the visit within the system. Please refer to workflow (P1) Scanning Active Charts for the Certified Workflow steps.5) Once the necessary information is prepared for the patient appointment, the next step within the patient visit is appointment check-in. Proceed to workflow (C) Appointment Check-In for the Certified Workflow steps.

12 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. (C) Appointment Check-InThe day of the appointment arrives and the patient comes to the clinic. The purpose of the followingAppointment Check-In workflow is to achieve a basic understanding of when the patient checks-infor the visit and the impact of that process for the Front Desk and the data sent to AllscriptsEnterprise EHR. Figure 6 (C) Appointment Check-InTo prepare for a patient check-in, do the following:1) The patient typically registers at the front desk, a defined check-in area, or at a reception area.2) The data collection process may differ depending on whether the patient is a new or an established patient.3) If the patient is new, the patient is given the new patient packet to complete.4) Front Desk updates the required information in the Practice Management System.

If a “mini registration” was done at the time the appointment was made, this step may also include assigning a permanent medical record number to the patient. It is important to validate the change from a “mini reg” to a permanent medical record in your registration/schedule interface.5) For an established patient, the Front Desk verifies demographic and insurance information, and updates as needed.

Patient updates should be entered immediately into the Practice Management System to allow for accurate and timely data flow into Allscripts Enterprise EHR.6) The final step is to change the appointment status in the Practice Management System to “Arrived.” 13 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. 7) The patient demographic and insurance data entered in the Practice Management System is sent via the registration/scheduling interface to Allscripts Enterprise EHR. This includes the updated appointment status and comments, which enables the clinical staff to see when patients have arrived and why they are coming in.8) Front Desk scans documents as appropriate. This may include the new patient packet, patient’s insurance card or driver’s license, and so on. Your organization needs to consider all instances where “loose” correspondence is received and has to be scanned into the electronic health record. Please refer to workflow (P2) Scanning Correspondence for the Certified Workflow steps.9) Front Desk updates the patient location and status. To set the patient location and status, follow these steps: a) Front Desk should be logged into Allscripts Enterprise EHR.

If not logged in, launch the application by double-clicking on the Allscripts Enterprise EHR desktop icon. B) From the Chart menu, the daily Schedule tab should be active.

Make sure the appropriate schedule is displaying. Adjust the provider or date where appropriate. C) Review the schedule and single-click on the desired patient. The Clinical Toolbar enables.

D) From the Clinical Toolbar, click the Patient Location drop-down list. A list of available locations displays. E) Select the appropriate location. F) To set the status, click the Status drop-down list. A list of available statuses displays.

G) Select the appropriate status.10) Staff uses Allscripts Enterprise EHR to monitor the arrival status of patients on their schedule.11) Once the patient is checked-in, proceed to workflow (D) Patient Visit Overview to review the high-level Certified Workflow steps for the entire patient visit. 14 Allscripts Enterprise EHR Certified Workflows. (D) Patient Visit OverviewThe purpose of the following Patient Visit Overview workflow is to achieve a high-levelunderstanding of the steps involved in the overall patient visit process including the steps performedby the nurse and provider during a typical visit.

See the corresponding workflows as indicated in thefollowing diagram, for more detailed instructions concerning each process.

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