  1. Circuit Medic

Lab manual for Basic electrical and electronics engineering for first year. 1.

Tech.-EEE Lab 2016 MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D), Pune Page 1 LAB MANUAL Electrical and Electronics Engineering F.Y. Tech (2016-17). F.Y. Tech.-EEE Lab 2016 MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D), Pune Page 2 Rules & Regulation Laboratory session is an integral part of the subject taught in the classes. By attending lab session, students will have opportunity to conduct experiments and to be exposed to the practical aspects of the subject.

Basic electrical engineering lab manual jntu

Circuit Medic

Experiments allow students to apply and test the theory learned in the class, which will help strengthen the understanding of the subject. It is therefore an important part of learning activities that all students must participate in. This guideline serves as a policy, rules and regulations that all students must follow when they use the lab and when attending lab sessions. Participation in the lab session is compulsory to all students who have registered for the subject.

Attendance will be taken during the experiment. Only students who have attended the lab session are allowed to submit Lab reports. Lab report must be submitted to the Lab facilitator. Students are generally allowed one week to submit the lab report, it will be treated as on-time submission. With late mark report may be accepted max upto two weeks, but report will not be checked after two weeks of completing the concerned practical.

Lab report is an individual work. Fabricating result and copying report of others are strictly prohibited.

Students are expected to study the lab sheet as a preparation before coming to the lab session. Instructors may conduct on the spot evaluation during lab session. Lab instructor may conduct briefing to the students at the start of the experiment. This briefing includes the procedure, technical and safety aspect of the experiment. Experiment must be completed within the designated time. Tech.-EEE Lab 2016 MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D), Pune Page 3 INDEX Experiment No Title of Experiment Page No. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws and Superposition theorem (a) To develop a circuit for Kirchhoff’s laws and Superposition theorem.

(b) To build circuit and test it. R-L-C series A.C. Circuit (a) To calculate exact values of R, Land C (b) To find power losses in R, L and C. 3 Verification of relation between Line and Phase quantities in Star and Delta circuits (a) To understand Line & Phase quantities and types of connection along with Three phase supply (b) To connect Bulb load in Star connection and verify the relation. (c) To connect Bulb load in Delta connection and verify the relation. 4 Load test on D.C.

(a) To find the torque and output power of motor (b) To calculate the efficiency of motor. GROUP B 5 To study Passive components – Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors a) To test semiconducting components – Diode b)To measure various electronic quantities using CRO 6 DC Regulated Power Supply a) To design 12V IC based DC regulated power supply (Theoretical). B) To test and observe waveforms at various stages on CRO and measure the voltage using DMM.

Tech.-EEE Lab 2016 MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D), Pune Page 4 7 Combinational Digital Circuits a) To design and implement Half adder and Full adder (using Half adder). B) To design and implement 8:1 MUX using IC-74LS153 and verify its truth table. 8 OP-AMP Applications a) To verify operations of inverting and non inverting amplifier for various gain factors. B) To verify application of OPAMP as summing and difference amplifier.


C) To verify the application of OPAMP as voltage follower. Tech.-EEE Lab 2016 MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D), Pune Page 5 Rubrics Evaluation Parameters Excellent (2 M) Good (1.5 M) Satisfactory (1 M) Unsatisfactory(0 M) Delivery. Completed between 90- 100% of the requirements. Submitted on time.

Completed between 80-90% of the requirements. Submitted on time, and in correct. Completed between 70-80% of the requirements. Submitted on time, and in correct format. Completed less than 70% of the requirements. Not delivered on time or not in correct format Coding Standards.

Includes name, date, and assignment title. Excellent Comments.

Creatively organized work. Includes name, date, and assignment title.

Good use of Comments. Organized work. Includes name, date, and assignment title. White space makes program fairly easy to read.

No name, date, or assignment title included. Poor use of white space (indentation, blank lines). Documentation. Clearly and effectively documented including descriptions of all variables. Clearly documented including descriptions of all variables. Basic documentation has been completed including descriptions of all variables.

Purpose is noted for each function. No documentation included. Runtime. Executes without errors excellent user prompts, good use of symbols, spacing in output. output from test cases is included.

Executes without errors. User prompts are understandable, minimum use of symbols or spacing in output.

Executes without errors. User prompts contain little information, poor design. Some testing has been completed. Does not execute due to errors. User prompts are misleading or non- existent. No testing has been completed. Efficiency.

Solution is efficient, easy to understand, and maintain. Solution is efficient and easy to follow (i.e. No confusing tricks).

A logical solution that is easy to follow but it is not the most efficient. A difficult and inefficient solution.