Looking at the best CAPM exam prep courses and deciding which one is right for you isn’t always the easiest thing in the world to do. There are several study guide companies that offer different options for candidates, and you guessed it. They all advertise that they have the best CAPM study materials. So, how do you choose the right course?

Well, the answer is to step back and think about yourself for a second. Ask yourself how you learn best. What types of lessons help you understand topics and remember the underlying concepts?

What type of learner are you? Do you like video lectures or do you like CAPM exam prep book lessons? All of these are important questions because the right course for someone else isn’t always the right course for you. You need a CAPM review course that fits the way you learn. After all, you are going to spend a ton of time studying for the certified associate in project management exam. Getting the right prep course will help you reduce that study time and help you pass the exam faster.


That’s why I’ve reviewed every top-rated CAPM study guide. I show you the pros and cons of each course along with their software features, test banks, and CAPM discounts, so you can find the right course for you and start your journey to become a CAPM professional. Quick Look at CAPM Online Course Reviews and Rankings. Contents.

Here’s a list of the top online CAPM certification courses available right now. Top CAPM Certification Training Online in 2018 Below:. Here are the best CAPM exam prep study materials and online certification training courses to help you pass the exam on your first try and become a Certified Associate in Project Management.

Capm practice questions

PM PrepCast CAPM Study Guide PM PrepCast’s approach to the CAPM exam is simple. Literally, it’s to simplify things. The language and examples in the PMBOK Guide can be really confusing for people because of how technical it is. PM PrepCast set out to change that and make their study guide easier to read and easier to comprehend. PM PrepCast’s CAPM study materials include 750 practice questions and 5 full-length practice exams.

That’s more than any other review course. These practice exams are particularly important in your study process because it helps you prepare for your exam day. Using their software you will know exactly what the exam looks and feels like and you will be able to work on your test taking skills. This course also includes more than 50 hours of video lectures and an advanced analytics program that helps you track your progress through the course! Plus, the CAPM certification training is mobile friendly, so you can study, practice exam questions, and earn the 23 approved contact hours anywhere you want. PM PrepCast offers a 90 money-back guarantee, so how can you go wrong?

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If it’s not right, get your money back! PM Training CAPM Certification Training PM Training’s online CAPM certification training is unique because of how comprehensive it is. The PM Training CAPM Certification Bootcamp is an on-demand review course that gives you access to all of their study materials 24/7.

This flexibility is great for people with busy schedules! Their comprehensive CAPM training program includes over 60 interactive lessons, a 1,000 question CAPM test bank, and up to 25 full-length practice mock exams! Not to mention, it also includes 23 contact hours and 35 hours of video lessons and video training. Aside from the total amount of awesome resources included in this course, the biggest advantage is their course layout. It’s divided into sections or milestones designed to link related PMBOK Guide topics and help you speed through the materials. The PMTraining study plan and analytics helps you track your progress through the course and pinpoint areas you need to work on.

Needless to say, this course includes everything you need to pass the exam. BrainBok CAPM Exam Prep BrainBok’s approach to CAPM exam preparation involves simplification. They offer a variety of studying tools that will help break down difficult concepts and help you remember key facts. They structure their entire system around maximizing your study time and accelerating your learning process. They advertise that 8 hours spent studying with their course is like 40 hours studying with the PMBOK guide. That’s crazy! The BrainBok CAPM exam review course include a unique ITTO tool that turns the PMBOK guide into an interactive experience designed to help you learn rather than put you to sleep.


They call this tool the ITTO explorer. They also include a full exam simulator with over 1,000 practice questions and customizable study quizzes. Unlike most other exam prep providers, BrainBok also include flash cards that you can use to study concepts and memorize facts and formulas. Unfortunately, this course does not come with any video lectures, so if you are a visual learner, you might not want this one. Also, there is no offline access to this study course. Keep in mind, BrainBok is a great value.

It’s by far the most affordable course out there. Not only do they include a huge CAPM test bank, they also include 180-day access to all of their course features, 3 full-length mock exams, and a course certificate for 23 contact hours. Not to mention, they offer a guarantee. If you don’t pass with them, you can get a full refund!

SimpliLearn CAPM Online Prep Course SimpliLearn is a leader in the professional test prep marketplace. They offer review guides and study courses for tons of different exams and professions. Needless to say, they make a great product and they know what they are doing.

Capm Study Guide 5th Edition

Their track record proves it. They advertise that over 98% of their candidates pass the exam on their first try! SimpliLearn CAPM certification training course includes more than 9 hours of video training designed to walk you through the most difficult topics in the PMBOK guide. They also include a quiz at the end of each chapter, so you can practice working the multiple-choice questions and problems.

In addition, they include 2 full mock exams and 23 PDUs. Now this course isn’t quite as comprehensive as some of the other options out there, it does come with both a 3-day return policy and a money-back guarantee.

This way you can test it out and see if you like it without the risk of being stuck with it. Grey Campus CAPM Review Course Grey Campus is a PMI accredited CAPM certification course provider that offers a few different study options for candidates. Their main two options are a live classroom environment and an online self-learning platform. The Grey Campus CAPM live classroom course is a 2-3 day instructor led training course that gives candidates the ability to interact with the instructor and the other candidates. This is great for people who want more of a one-on-one experience to ask questions and clarify concepts. The online CAPM training includes more than 23 hours of video lectures covering the same topics that the live classroom covered.

Capm Study Guide 2018

This is a great option for people who can’t make it to a live event or don’t have one within driving distance. Both of these course options include a testbank of more than 600 practice questions, 3 full-length exams, and 23 contact hours. What makes this program even more unique is that they give you access to all of the CAPM exam study materials for an entire year. Most of the other companies only offer 90-180 day access. Grey Campus also comes with live chat support and study flash cards.

Capm Study Guide 2016 Pdf

Unfortunately, they don’t offer and app or any kind of offline access though, so you won’t be able to study with your phone. But, they do offer a money-back guarantee if you take the exam within 14 days of your course! What is the best CAPM exam prep course? Top 5 Best CAPM study guides of 2018 – Comparison Chart CAPM Exam Prep Courses Best for: PM PrepCast CAPM Study Guide Most Simplified PMTraining CAPM Certification Training Most Comprehensive BrainBok CAPM Exam Prep Most Affordable SimpliLearn CAPM Online Prep Course Most Well Known Grey Campus CAPM Review Course Live Lectures Post navigation.