December 1, 2017 The following rates are reported as of today, January 1, 2018. Expect changes to be frequent and it is recommended that you verify the information provided. We recommend resource to stay current — where charts are dynamically updated and are always in sync with current information and editorial explanations.

  1. Payroll Guide Newsletter

With the new year comes new rates. The federal rates are already set, but many state rates — especially State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) — are still being updated. Due to a continuing low consumer price increase, many rates stay the same — however some, like 401(k)s, have had small increases. As of writing this report, the IRS has not extended 1095-C filing deadlines, which remains January 31, 2018 for the employee copies. Keep an eye out for updates as several organizations, such as the APA, have sent letters to the IRS asking for extensions for employers. Here’s a rundown of the changes in the most commonly used rates and limits at this time.

Payroll Guide Newsletter

The Pisacano Leadership Program The Pisacano Scholars Leadership Program offers many career development opportunities, as well as scholarship funding, to the future leaders of family medicine. The Pisacano Scholars participate in semi-annual Leadership Skills Development Symposia (see summary) and are offered a multitude of educational programs and mentoring relationships with current leaders in the field of family medicine. These programs are designed to enhance the overall leadership skills of the Pisacano Scholars; to provide them with the historical context and scope of family medicine; and to allow the Scholars to network and form professional relationships within their field. Examples of these programs are:. Negotiation Skills. Problem-Based Learning.

Journal Writing and the Peer-Review Process. Evidence-Based Medicine. Professional Presentation and Media Skills.

Health Policy and Primary Care Research. Teaching Skills for Family Medicine. Advocacy and Lobbying Skills for Family Medicine. Primary Care Research and Study Design. The Future of Family Medicine This premier leadership program is extremely competitive.

The total number of awards granted each year will not exceed five. Third-year medical students are eligible to apply. Only students who demonstrate a strong commitment to the specialty of family medicine will be considered. In addition, each applicant must show demonstrable leadership skills, superior academic achievement, strong communication skills, identifiable character and integrity, and a noteworthy level of community service. The level of financial need is not considered in the selection process.

The scholarship funding is designed to reimburse a portion of medical school debt incurred by the student by the conclusion of the Scholar's residency in family medicine. A portion of the funds will be distributed to the student during their fourth-year of medical school, and the remaining funds will be distributed over the required three-year residency. The maximum scholarship award is $28,000. Recipients are awarded up to $7,000 per year for up to four years.

The Pisacano Scholars are evaluated each year by the Foundation's Board of Directors to assure eligibility for continuation in the leadership program. There is no service commitment for the Scholars upon completion of their family medicine residency. Summary of Annual Leadership Skills Development Symposia October 1993 Inaugural Lecture of the Pisacano Scholars Leadership Program Washington, DC Dr.

Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services, DHHS April 1994 25 th Anniversary of the American Board of Family Practice Palm Beach, Florida Paul C. Brucker, MD, President, Thomas Jefferson University and Chairman, Board of Directors, Pisacano Leadership Foundation 'Celebrating 25 Years' Edmund D. Pellegrino, MD, John Carroll Professor of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Georgetown University Medical Center The First Annual Nicholas J. Pisacano, MD Memorial Lecture—'Words Can Hurt You: Some Reflections on the Metaphors of Managed Care' David Satcher, MD, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 'Public Health and Health Care Reform: Implications for Family Practice' October 1994 Leadership in Medicine Atlanta, Georgia Louis W.

Thomas Reuters Payroll Guide 2016 Fact Finder

Sullivan, MD, President, Morehouse School of Medicine September 1995 Leadership Skills Development Symposium Anaheim, California Michael Hagen, MD, University of Kentucky Debbie Allen, MD, University of Indiana 'Surviving Medicine in the Year 2000' Joseph Scherger, MD, Sharp Health Care, San Diego, CA 'Leadership in Family Practice' Paul C. Brucker, MD, President, Thomas Jefferson University, and Chairman, Board of Directors, Pisacano Leadership Foundation The Second Annual Nicholas J.